Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 9, 2010--Day 5

It is really cool this morning--62 degrees. This is my gym day. I don't like the gym, but I think I need to strengthen body parts, and I suppose this is the best way to do it. Last time I was there I exercised on equipment for about an hour. Will try to do the same today.

September 8, 2010

Day 4
Did Week 8, Day 2 of my Personal Running Trainer program. That involved 10 six minute runs: 3 slow jog; 3 fast run. I was pooped but nothing hurt particularly badly.

Beautiful day to run. Started at 9:30 a.m. It was around 80 degrees and clear and crisp with a little breeze. Loved the weather. Maybe I will make a half marathon. Anyway, I will try.

September 7, 2010

Day 3
Bill went to Hopkins for a clinic appointment today. Didn't do anything more than walk around parking lots and hospitals. Then we went to Laura's to fix a birthday dinner. I ate and just exercised my jaw.

September 6, 2010

Day 2
Went to the gym today. I hadn't been going for quite a while because I couldn't remember the stuff the personal trainer told me to do. I decided to just use the equipment they have to exercise my body parts. It wasn't bad.

Linn and Lisa came over for dinner. I putsd around in the pool for a while, not doing anything particularly stressful, but moving my body.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

September 5, 2010
This is not really day one. It is a result of a culmination of exercise over the last sixty some years. I didn't start jogging/running until I was in my 30's at the urging of my husband, Bob. He ran all the time, and we started running then in flat bottomed tennis shoes from a discount store at the whopping cost of fifty cents a pair.

I wish that I would have known about running earlier in my life, or running had been the popular sport that it is now. Bob and I just ran for the joy (and pain) of running. (I couldn't understand why I always had shin splints.)

Now at the age of 62, I decided to try to run in a half marathon at the OBX in November. I have been training since May (I had to start at the 5K level and have been working my way up.) I was on track with training until I got a horrible cold and cough at the beginning of August. I am just now getting it under control.

I was inspired to write this blog by the cbethrun blog. I am hoping that I can keep up with it like she does. She is an inspiration to me.

This morning is beautiful and looks like fall is right around the corner. It is only 52 degrees and clear. I don't have a watch to use for running yet, but hope to get one soon. It is hard for me to make myself go out in the morning. I would rather putter in my pjs and run later, but this is Sunday, and if I don't do it now, I won't do it.

I ran Week 8, Day 1 of Personal Trainer.Com 10K. I didn't think I could do it after not running for so long, but I did. I am still vertical. Yay.